Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Palan (Head of Department)
Stefan Palan researches human behavior in the financial context with the help of experiments. He is also concerned with ways to improve the process of gaining scientific knowledge itself. Palan is currently Associate Professor and Institute Director at the University of Graz, but also teaches at the University of Innsbruck and the Management Center Innsbruck. He is Managing Editor of the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (Impact factor 4.3), Managing Director of the Society for Experimental Finance, Coordinator of the Finance Research Platform Graz, and Scientific Director of the Max Jung Lab Graz.
Selected projects
Gender and financial behavior
Research repeatedly highlights the differences between the sexes in financial decision-making. This project addresses these inequalities in seven linked studies and examines the complex relationship between gender and financial behavior. The studies include a) the development of a new gender scale, b) a meta-analytic investigation and c) five online experiments. Through a multidimensional approach, this project sheds light on the complex interplay between gender and financial behavior and creates a methodologically sound understanding of the drivers of financial decisions in different gender groups.
Post-Earnings Announcement Drift
Share prices are generally slow to adjust to the information contained in earnings announcements published by companies. After a positive (negative) earnings surprise (defined as the difference between actual and expected earnings), share prices tend to drift upwards (downwards) for up to a year. This phenomenon is called post-earnings announcement drift (PEAD). The main contribution of this project to the study of PEAD is the use of laboratory experiments. In six separate papers, the project examines, among other things, the most prominent explanation in the literature for the occurrence of PEAD, the autocorrelation of earnings; whether transactions prevent the elimination of PEAD; and whether companies in Germany, France, the UK and Japan strategically choose the timing of their earnings announcements.
Magazine publications
Cheung, Stephen; Palan, Stefan
Two heads are less bubbly than one: Team decision-making in an experimental asset market..
In: Experimental Economics. 15,3. 2012. 373 - 397, 25 S. doi:10.1007/s10683-011-9304-6.
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Brauneis, Alexander; Mestel, Roland; Palan, Stefan
Does a cap on the carbon price have to be a cap on green investments?.
In: Empirica. 39,2. 2012. 217 - 231. doi:10.1007/s10663-012-9188-5.
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Gauper, Andrea; Mestel, Roland; Palan, Stefan
Vergleichende Analyse von Fondsdirektinvestments mit Fonds-gebundenen Lebensversicherungen..
In: BankArchiv: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Bank- und Börsenwesen. 60,4. 2012. 218 - 228, 10 S..
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Königsgruber, Roland; Palan, Stefan
Teilnahme an der Rechnungslegungsregulierung: Implikationen für die Compliance?.
In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Rechnungslegung (IRZ). 2011,7/8. 2011. 343 - 345, 3 S..
Transfer: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Guggenbichler-Brunner, Heidemarie; Palan, Stefan
Jaron, M., Noise Trading und Ineffizienzen am deutschen Aktienmarkt, Reihe: Portfoliomanagement Band 26, Uhlenbruch Verlag, Bad Soden 2010 (ISBN 978-933207-74-6)..
In: Österreichisches Bank-Archiv - OeBA. 59,3. 2011. 204..
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Rezension -
Palan, Stefan
Efficiency and Adaptive Expectations in Experimental Asset and Digital Option Markets..
In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 75,3. 2010. 506 - 522, 17 S. doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2010.05.011.
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Palan, Stefan
Kursblasen und adaptive Erwartungen auf Laboraktien- und -Digitaloptionsmärkten..
In: BankArchiv: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Bank- und Börsenwesen. 58,1. 2010. 40 - 49, 10 S..
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Palan, Stefan
Albrecht, P./Maurer, R., Investment- und Risikomanagement, 2. Auflage, Schäffer/Poeschel, Stuttgart, 2005 (ISBN 3-7910-2431-0)..
In: Österreichisches Bank-Archiv - OeBA. 54,2. 2006. 146..
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Rezension